Anvil Basic Conjugate Training Program

An Anvil Training Article by Marshall Officer
This Program is a very basic 6 Week Conjugate Rotation, modified from a program I wrote for myself a little while ago and really enjoyed. It is designed to build a bigger Squat, Bench, and Deadlift. It is really back-to-basics style programming, and I’ve written it for people who are looking for a new program, or would like to try a conjugate style program for the first time.
The Warm Up should always be 3 rounds of dynamic stretching, in the form of 10-20 reps of Push Ups (full upper body), Banded Face Pull (upper back, biceps), Hanging Leg Raise (core, posterior chain), Banded Good Morning (posterior chain, core), bodyweight squats, leg swings, jumps, press, rows, etc. Choose 3-5 of these exercises and use Light Bands or low resistance with a controlled tempo/pause to engage all muscles required for main lifts. This does not include any lift specific warm up reps.
Dynamic Main Movements (DYN) are explosive, high speed low weight (less than 65% 1RM) near-perfect technique reps (Tempo 3111).
Max Effort Movements (MAX) will consist of 3 warm up sets of 5-10 reps, 3 working sets of 2 reps, followed by an AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) Set.
Supplemental movements (SUP) are a Medium Percentage (65-85%) Compound Exercise. The focus for these movements is Maximal Time Under Tension (TUT), ideal Tempo 3121. This should be done at a weight that you can do 8 reps with every time, but would fail around 10-11 reps.
Accessory movements (ACC) will be 3 Low Percentage (<65%) Isolating Exercises for done as a circuit to maximise Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy (muscle size growth). The focus for these movements is stability and injury prevention, ideal Tempo 2020.
Friday: Max Effort Lower Body
Saturday: Conditioning (Strongman/Oly/Cardio)
Sunday: Max Effort Upper Body
Monday: Cardio/Endurance
Tuesday: Dynamic Lower Body
Wednesday: Dynamic Upper Body
Thursday: Rest
Week 1
Friday (Max Effort Lower):
- MAX Low Box Squat (40%x8, 50%x8, 60%x5, 70%x2, 75%x2, 80%x2, 70%xAMRAP)
- SUP Rack Pull 3 sets 8 reps (65-85% Deadlift 1RM, 1-2 reps before failure)
The following 3 exercises should be conducted as a circuit with 60s rest between rounds
- ACC Leg Press 3 sets 12 reps (2020 Tempo, <65%)
- ACC Back Extension 3 sets 12 reps (2020 Tempo, <65%)
- ACC Lying Leg Raise 3 sets 12 reps (2020 Tempo, BW)
Saturday (Conditioning Circuit)
Sunday (Max Effort Upper):
- MAX Incline Bench Press (40%x8, 50%x8, 60%x5, 70%x2, 75%x2, 80%x2, 70%xAMRAP)
- SUP Lat Pulldown 3 sets 8 reps
The following 3 exercises should be conducted as a circuit with 60s rest between rounds
- ACC Flat Dumbbell Bench Press 3 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <65%)
- ACC Dumbbell Row 3 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <65%)
- ACC Face Pull 3 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <65%)
Monday (Cardio/Endurance)
Tuesday (Dynamic Lower):
- DYN Low Box Squat 5 sets 5 reps 50%
- DYN Deadlift 5 sets 5 reps 50%
The following 3 exercises should be conducted as a circuit with 60s rest between rounds
- ACC Quad Extension 6 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <50%)
- ACC Hamstring Curl 6 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <50%)
- ACC Cable Crunches 6 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <50%)
Wednesday (Dynamic Upper):
- DYN Bench Press 5 Sets 5 Reps 50%
- DYN Bent Over Row 5 sets 5 reps 60%
The following 3 exercises should be conducted as a circuit with 60s rest between rounds
- ACC Arnold Press 6 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <50%)
- ACC Lying Skull Crushers 6 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <50%)
- ACC Medium/Close Grip Cable Row 6 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <50%)
Week 2
Friday (Max Effort Lower):
- MAX Deadlift (45%x8, 55%x8, 65%x5, 75%x2, 80%x2, 85%x2, 75%xAMRAP)
- SUP Front Squat 3 sets 8 reps (65-85% Squat 1RM, 1-2 reps before failure)
The following 3 exercises should be conducted as a circuit with 60s rest between rounds
- ACC Leg Press 3 sets 12 reps (2020 Tempo, <65%)
- ACC Back Extension 3 sets 12 reps (2020 Tempo, <65%)
- ACC Lying Leg Raise 3 sets 12 reps (2020 Tempo, BW)
Saturday (Conditioning Circuit)
Sunday (Max Effort Upper):
- MAX Floor Press (45%x8, 55%x8, 65%x5, 75%x2, 80%x2, 85%x2, 75%xAMRAP)
- SUP Pendlay Row 3 sets 8 reps
The following 3 exercises should be conducted as a circuit with 60s rest between rounds
- ACC Flat Dumbbell Bench Press 3 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <65%)
- ACC Dumbbell Row 3 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <65%)
- ACC Face Pull 3 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <65%)
Monday (Cardio/Endurance)
Tuesday (Dynamic Lower):
- DYN Low Box Squat 5 sets 5 reps 50%
- DYN Deadlift 5 sets 5 reps 50%
The following 3 exercises should be conducted as a circuit with 60s rest between rounds
- ACC Quad Extension 6 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <50%)
- ACC Hamstring Curl 6 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <50%)
- ACC Cable Crunches 6 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <50%)
Wednesday (Dynamic Upper):
- DYN Bench 5 Sets 5 Reps 50%
- DYN Bent Over Row 5 sets 5 reps 60%
The following 3 exercises should be conducted as a circuit with 60s rest between rounds
- ACC Arnold Press 6 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <50%)
- ACC Lying Skull Crushers 6 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <50%)
- ACC Medium/Close Grip Cable Row 6 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <50%)
Week 3
Friday (Max Effort Lower):
- MAX High Box Squat (50%x8, 60%x8, 70%x5, 80%x2, 85%x2, 90%x2, 80%xAMRAP)
- SUP Romanian Deadlift 3 sets 8 reps (65-85% Squat 1RM, 1-2 reps before failure)
The following 3 exercises should be conducted as a circuit with 60s rest between rounds
- ACC Leg Press 3 sets 12 reps (2020 Tempo, <65%)
- ACC Back Extension 3 sets 12 reps (2020 Tempo, <65%)
- ACC Lying Leg Raise 3 sets 12 reps (2020 Tempo, BW)
Saturday (Conditioning Circuit)
Sunday (Max Effort Upper):
- MAX Bench Press (50%x8, 60%x8, 70%x5, 80%x2, 85%x2, 90%x2, 80%xAMRAP)
- SUP T-Bar Row 3 sets 8 reps
The following 3 exercises should be conducted as a circuit with 60s rest between rounds
- ACC Flat Dumbbell Bench Press 3 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <65%)
- ACC Dumbbell Row 3 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <65%)
- ACC Face Pull 3 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <65%)
Monday (Cardio/Endurance)
Tuesday (Dynamic Lower):
- DYN Low Box Squat 5 sets 5 reps 50%
- DYN Deadlift 5 sets 5 reps 50%
The following 3 exercises should be conducted as a circuit with 60s rest between rounds
- ACC Quad Extension 6 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <50%)
- ACC Hamstring Curl 6 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <50%)
- ACC Cable Crunches 6 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <50%)
Wednesday (Dynamic Upper):
- DYN Bench 5 Sets 5 Reps 50%
- DYN Bent Over Row 5 sets 5 reps 60%
The following 3 exercises should be conducted as a circuit with 60s rest between rounds
- ACC Arnold Press 6 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <50%)
- ACC Lying Skull Crushers 6 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <50%)
- ACC Medium/Close Grip Cable Row 6 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <50%)
Week 4
Friday (Max Effort Lower):
- MAX Low Box Squat (45%x8, 55%x8, 65%x5, 75%x2, 80%x2, 85%x2, 75%xAMRAP)
- SUP Rack Pull 3 sets 8 reps (65-85% Squat 1RM, 1-2 reps before failure)
The following 3 exercises should be conducted as a circuit with 60s rest between rounds
- ACC Hack Squat 3 sets 12 reps (2020 Tempo, <65%)
- ACC Good Mornings 3 sets 12 reps (2020 Tempo, <65%)
- ACC Standing Ab Cable Pulldown 3 sets 12 reps (2020 Tempo, BW)
Saturday (Conditioning Circuit)
Sunday (Max Effort Upper):
- MAX Incline Bench Press (45%x8, 55%x8, 65%x5, 75%x2, 80%x2, 85%x2, 75%xAMRAP)
- SUP Lat Pulldown 3 sets 8 reps
The following 3 exercises should be conducted as a circuit with 60s rest between rounds
- ACC Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 3 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <65%)
- ACC Tricep Extension 3 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <65%)
- ACC Upright Row 3 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <65%)
Monday (Cardio/Endurance)
Tuesday (Dynamic Lower):
- DYN Low Box Squat 5 sets 5 reps 50%
- DYN Deadlift 5 sets 5 reps 50%
The following 3 exercises should be conducted as a circuit with 60s rest between rounds
- ACC Leg Press 6 Sets 12 Reps(2020 Tempo, <50%)
- ACC Back Extension 6 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <50%)
- ACC Lying Leg Raise 6 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <50%)
Wednesday (Dynamic Upper):
- DYN Bench 5 Sets 5 Reps 50%
- DYN Bent Over Row 5 sets 5 reps 60%
The following 3 exercises should be conducted as a circuit with 60s rest between rounds
- ACC Dumbbell Shoulder Press 6 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <50%)
- ACC Face Pull 6 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <50%)
- ACC Hammer Curls 6 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <50%)
Week 5
Friday (Max Effort Lower):
- MAX Deadlift (50%x8, 60%x8, 70%x5, 80%x2, 85%x2, 90%x2, 80%xAMRAP)
- SUP Front Squat 3 sets 8 reps (65-85% Squat 1RM, 1-2 reps before failure)
The following 3 exercises should be conducted as a circuit with 60s rest between rounds
- ACC Hack Squat 3 sets 12 reps (2020 Tempo, <65%)
- ACC Good Mornings 3 sets 12 reps (2020 Tempo, <65%)
- ACC Standing Ab Cable Pulldown 3 sets 12 reps (2020 Tempo, BW)
Saturday (Conditioning Circuit)
Sunday (Max Effort Upper):
- MAX Floor Press (50%x8, 60%x8, 70%x5, 80%x2, 85%x2, 90%x2, 80%xAMRAP)
- SUP Pendlay Row 3 sets 8 reps
The following 3 exercises should be conducted as a circuit with 60s rest between rounds
- ACC Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 3 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <65%)
- ACC Tricep Extension 3 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <65%)
- ACC Upright Row 3 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <65%)
Monday (Cardio/Endurance)
Tuesday (Dynamic Lower):
- DYN Low Box Squat 5 sets 5 reps 50%
- DYN Deadlift 5 sets 5 reps 50%
The following 3 exercises should be conducted as a circuit with 60s rest between rounds
- ACC Leg Press 6 Sets 12 Reps(2020 Tempo, <50%)
- ACC Back Extension 6 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <50%)
- ACC Lying Leg Raise 6 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <50%)
Wednesday (Dynamic Upper):
- DYN Bench 5 Sets 5 Reps 50%
- DYN Bent Over Row 5 sets 5 reps 60%
The following 3 exercises should be conducted as a circuit with 60s rest between rounds
- ACC Dumbbell Shoulder Press 6 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <50%)
- ACC Face Pull 6 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <50%)
- ACC Hammer Curls 6 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <50%)
Week 6
Friday (Max Effort Lower):
- MAX High Box Squat (55%x8, 65%x8, 75%x5, 85%x2, 90%x2, 95%x2, 80%xAMRAP)
- SUP Romanian DL 3 sets 8 reps (65-85% Squat 1RM, 1-2 reps before failure)
The following 3 exercises should be conducted as a circuit with 60s rest between rounds
- ACC Hack Squat 3 sets 12 reps (2020 Tempo, <65%)
- ACC Good Mornings 3 sets 12 reps (2020 Tempo, <65%)
- ACC Standing Ab Cable Pulldown 3 sets 12 reps (2020 Tempo, BW)
Saturday (Conditioning Circuit)
Sunday (Max Effort Upper):
- MAX Bench Press (55%x8, 65%x8, 75%x5, 85%x2, 90%x2, 95%x2, 80%xAMRAP)
- SUP T-Bar Row 3 sets 8 reps
The following 3 exercises should be conducted as a circuit with 60s rest between rounds
- ACC Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 3 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <65%)
- ACC Tricep Extension 3 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <65%)
- ACC Upright Row 3 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <65%)
Monday (Cardio/Endurance)
Tuesday (Dynamic Lower):
- DYN Low Box Squat 5 sets 5 reps 50%
- DYN Deadlift 5 sets 5 reps 50%
The following 3 exercises should be conducted as a circuit with 60s rest between rounds
- ACC Leg Press 6 Sets 12 Reps(2020 Tempo, <50%)
- ACC Back Extension 6 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <50%)
- ACC Lying Leg Raise 6 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <50%)
Wednesday (Dynamic Upper):
- DYN Bench 5 Sets 5 Reps 50%
- DYN Bent Over Row 5 sets 5 reps 60%
The following 3 exercises should be conducted as a circuit with 60s rest between rounds
- ACC Dumbbell Shoulder Press 6 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <50%)
- ACC Face Pull 6 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <50%)
- ACC Hammer Curls 6 Sets 12 Reps (2020 Tempo, <50%)
About Us
Anvil Training and Development is a group of Australian veterans who care about the physical and mental health of veterans and emergency service workers. We’re passionate about ongoing education and working with others to implement positive change.
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